Case Study: Proving the Efficacy of Social Media Marketing Strategies with @thedivinestoic
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Jul 2, 2024

Case Study: Proving the Efficacy of Social Media Marketing Strategies with @thedivinestoic

Case Study: Proving the Efficacy of Social Media Marketing Strategies with @thedivinestoic

Objective: To demonstrate the effectiveness of social media marketing (SMM) strategies and proficiency in understanding the TikTok algorithm and platform through the creation and growth of the faceless TikTok account @thedivinestoic. The account aims to communicate practical ways to use divine energy and apply it to everyday life, based on lessons from selected podcasts and videos.

Background: @thedivinestoic, a TikTok account created on June 7, 2024, focuses on slicing podcasts and interesting videos into 3-minute segments. The content includes clips from notable figures such as Lewis Howes from "The School of Greatness," Dr. Joe Dispenza, Chris Williamson, Dr. K (The Healthy Gamer), Dr. Michael Surge on Marcus Aurelius, and Myron Goldman.


  • Start Date: June 7, 2024
  • Total Videos Posted: 47
  • Initial Posting Goal: 3 videos per day
  • True Posting Average: 1.88 videos per day


  • June 28, 2024: Reached 1,000 followers and signed up for Amazon Affiliate and TikTok Rewards programs.
  • July 2, 2024:
    • Followers: 1,344
    • Total Likes: 10,300
    • Most Successful Video:
      • 120,000 organic views
      • 24,000 paid views
      • 1,117 hours of watch time
      • Average watch time: 28.9 seconds
      • 6% watched the full video
    • Video Performance:
      • 3 videos with over 10,000 views
      • 12 videos with over 1,000 views
      • Average views per video: 4,346
    • For You Page (FYP) Placement: 85.8%
    • Audience Demographics: 54% male, 46% female

Strategy and Implementation:

1. Content Repurposing:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: The strategy of slicing longer podcast episodes and videos into 3-minute segments directly aligns with Gary Vee's method of creating "pillar content" and repurposing it into multiple "micro-content" pieces for various platforms (source: Gary Vaynerchuk's Content Strategy).
  • Application: By breaking down extensive podcasts into digestible segments, we tapped into the existing content’s value, making it accessible and engaging for a TikTok audience that favors shorter, impactful videos.

2. Documenting Over Creating:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: Documenting the journey rather than creating from scratch helps maintain consistency and authenticity (source: Gary Vaynerchuk on Documenting).
  • Application: We shared curated segments from notable podcasts and videos, ensuring a steady flow of content without the pressure of constant creation.

3. Leveraging Influencer Content:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: Leveraging the credibility and audience of influencers can significantly boost engagement (source: Gary Vaynerchuk's Content Model).
  • Application: Featuring content from well-known personalities helped us tap into their established audiences, enhancing our reach and credibility.

4. Consistent Posting Schedule:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: Consistency in posting is key to maintaining audience engagement and growing the follower base steadily (source: Gary Vaynerchuk on Consistency).
  • Application: Our goal of posting three videos per day, although averaging at 1.88, ensured regular content delivery, keeping the audience engaged.

5. Engaging with the Community:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: Engaging with the audience through comments and interactions builds a loyal community and enhances algorithmic favorability (source: Gary Vaynerchuk on Community Engagement).
  • Application: Interactions through comments and engagements helped build a community and increased content visibility on the For You Page.

6. Data-Driven Decisions:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: Using performance metrics to guide content strategy is crucial (source: Gary Vaynerchuk on Data-Driven Decisions).
  • Application: Analysis of video performance, such as views, watch time, and engagement rates, guided the refinement of our content strategy.

7. Monetization Strategies:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: Diversifying revenue streams and maximizing monetization opportunities from a growing audience is essential (source: Gary Vaynerchuk on Monetization).
  • Application: Signing up for Amazon Affiliate and TikTok Rewards programs ensured we capitalized on our growing audience, converting engagement into revenue. Since we just began monetization, we do not yet have sufficient data to report and will update the study once complete.

Business Application: Gym Example

Scenario: A gym owner decides to implement a similar content strategy to grow their online presence and attract more clients.


  1. Record Pillar Content:
    • Sessions and Interviews: Record all training sessions, interviews with trainers, and fitness discussions.
    • Desk Talks: Spend a few hours talking about fitness tips, nutrition advice, and success stories.
  2. Repurpose Content:
    • Micro-Content Creation: Use tools like Descript to quickly edit and repurpose these recordings into short, engaging clips.
    • Platform-Specific Content: Tailor the content for different platforms—Instagram stories, YouTube shorts, and Facebook posts.
  3. Engage and Convert:
    • Community Engagement: Actively engage with the online community through comments, live Q&A sessions, and polls to build a loyal following.
    • Data-Driven Adjustments: Use insights from engagement metrics to refine content strategy continuously.

Objective: The ideal goal of content for the gym business is to bring in new customers. However, in practice, it also helps in converting leads who are already aware of the gym by providing valuable, consistent content that builds trust and authority.

Results and Impact:


  • The most successful video achieved significant engagement with 144,000 total views (120,000 organic and 24,000 paid).
  • Audience Retention: The average watch time was 28.9 seconds, with 6% of viewers watching the full video, indicating room for improvement in content retention.
  • Demographics and Reach: The audience is well-balanced with a slight male majority, and the high FYP placement indicates strong algorithmic favorability.


  • Amazon Affiliate Program: Enabled monetization through product promotions.
  • TikTok Rewards Program: Provided rewards for popular, longer content.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Storytelling Matters: Crafting compelling narratives that resonate with the audience is crucial. Both Gary Vee and Alex Hormozi emphasize the power of storytelling in connecting with viewers and driving engagement.
  2. Platform Fit: Choosing the right social media platform for the brand and audience ensures that the content is optimized for the medium it is being shared on.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Utilizing metrics and analytics to continuously refine strategies is key to improving performance and achieving goals.
  4. Embrace Trends: Staying adaptable and exploring emerging trends helps maintain relevance in a constantly evolving digital landscape.

Conclusion: The growth and engagement metrics of @thedivinestoic provide clear evidence of the effectiveness of the social media marketing strategies employed. The rapid increase in followers and significant video views validate the understanding and application of TikTok’s algorithm and platform features. Future strategies could include enhancing content to improve viewer retention and exploring additional monetization opportunities.

By following the principles of Gary Vaynerchuk and Alex Hormozi, @thedivinestoic demonstrated the power of strategic content repurposing, community engagement, and data-driven decision-making in achieving social media success. This approach can be effectively applied to any business, such as a gym, to enhance its online presence, engage with the community, and convert potential leads into loyal customers.

For more information, visit the TikTok account @thedivinestoic.